The Memphis Press-Scimitar from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Memphis Press-Scimitari

Memphis, Tennessee

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MEMPHIS PRESS-SCIMITAR Thurdy July 3P 1964 Marrfog Licenses Soltimn Wuhj 22Saltimn Wanted 22 CAP Dinner Party For Spanish Fliers Spanish student pilots visiting the will bp introduced to 3tt fHrmortam Qtm TO TUB CYNTHIA MILK KUND or THS PfttS SCIMITAR In memory of Bolton of Severe Burns For Trucker A Memphis truck driver was PAGE Mai Help WantaS Kate Floyd MULTILITH OPKRATdR Ixpa- or wjj irn un with mech aptitude COMPTOMETER OPKRATOR II 25 rlaneed or will tram alert young man with mechanical open K- perienced $1 25 per hr Satil Hmuton Kllltnn 3 anil Dorothy HUii Nnu IS mim AIMrt Hitrhlnn Jr 3 nd Miry Ctlrui Lynn 34 Roye rtrrrll Gillum It iwi Neill Sun Beard Indicted In Tax Case In News Recently In Cadillac Dispute Memphis at an honor dinner party burned severely yesterday when ndersom Tenn a gift limn Hl J(nklri rl given by the Tennessee Civil Air a side gasoline tank exploded in Mr and Mis Clyde West Button Patrol at 8:15 tonight at Hotel road mishap on Highway 70 An" Peabody five miles east of Forrest City In memory of his wife Mrrrlduvm raw si and wane Annie Ark I Helen Frolich a gift from CRuh 19 Edward Brown 30 negro Frohlich GTU Jr'' 65 Raines Road was in critical I condition today at John Gaston in memory of Ed Powell of leoal notice Hospital with third-degree burns over 60 per cent of his body Fulton Ky father of Miss Vir- bids for levs gima Powell of Memphis a gift SCS' Col Alfred Waddell wing com- Chandlen Beard Dresden Chevrolet denier who involved 1 aj01 anrt Mls himself in the Clement Cadillac controversy was indicted by a ltm Memphis the stu-fcderal grand jury in Nashville will swim play and visit Mem nhn pi iW SALESMEN Continental Casualty Co America's No I Accident and Sickness Insurance Co HAS OPENINGS FOR 3 MEN EXPERIENCED IN THE FIELD OF HOSPITALIZATION Canvassing Loads Furnishpd Daily Complete LIhr of A Plans with Surgrry in Force In 30 days Claims Paid Directly from Memphis Office-Premiums Paid Here Participating Co of the Tenn Plan Sponsored by the Tenn State Medical Association Wo Renewals Paid Every 30 Days on All Accumulated Premium Renewing Each Month Over $200000000 in Assets and Over $500000000 Paid in Claims by All Departments IF YOU ARE SINCERELY INTERESTED IN YOUR FUTURE COME IN PERSON TO 2065 UNION AVE ROOM 103 THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OR PHONE 36-7318 FOR APPOINTMENT soeiation of Memphis C8 19 August 1954 and then publicly opened for the construction of approximately 300000 cubic yrd of earthwork in White River Drainage District of Phillips and Desha Counties Ark In formattm ii request ester-1 fROCLAMATION 50 by the Manage-areas "I i income taxes in 1947 and 1948 Waddell 1 jed with building materials wasl The indictments revealed yes- reported Charles Chester Turner terday charge Beard filed ft? nfan international pod- Nicholi company safety director: rhpsr Tmr returns in 1947 giving his WU 'T Brown told Nichols that he wa dav fnny' come as 51298235 while Internal! Memphis Saturday for other Ten- i uJay at home Brunswick Revenue Bureau agents estimated nessee ties' it at $1747273 and that Mr and Mrs income in 1948 was pew uiorarian reported at $17103 40 but should approaching a culvert when thc Term lights of an oncoming car blinded him and he side-swiped the con- ve5 "1S naughier crete abutment Nichols said The $anan Turner and his sister Mlcis I 50-callon CHS tank Attached ilist Maicia JL Tuinoi both of I JU No Pursuant to the authority framed Chapter U5 of the Public Acta of 19M State dame and Ktih Commlaaioci proclalma bflnw luted area to be Wildlife are In addition roclamatlon No 48 to moat nsieti on rrociamsuon no an WANT Rule and regulation Hated on Proolama- rru i Brunswick ttona Nos hu apply to the The Senate to- behind the cab exploded imme- day confirmed the nomination of diately The rig burned for sev-Lawrence Quincy Mumford ofjeral hours Ohio to be Librarian of Congress was driving carefully i at about 15 miles an Nichols said First Step Toward Closing Ellis Island George Dupratt manager of the George Vincent Hotel is new president of Delta Chapter 59 Hotel Greeters of America Other new officers are: A i feet until amended or rescinded I Rig Ridge Wildlife Management Area Cedars of Lebanon Wildlife Management Area Chickasaw Wildlife Management Area Cove Creek Wildlife Management Area Noriis Wildlife Management Area Pickett WHdllfa Management Area Standing Stone Wildlife Management HEARING AID SALESMAN Irpprlmrfd bearing aid salesman wanted at once to open new department Sears Roebuck Co CITY DESK BALKS Nice phone personality ability to operate comptometer alert Will train Open FINANCE MAN: 5 to 6 yn perlenct with reputable finance company Salary high bracket commensurate with experience and ability open CLAIM ADJUSTER TRAINEE Age 36 to i5 Mechanically inclined some college bak-ground outstanding In per soria II ty Car and expense furnished open MECHANICAL ENGINEER Degree sale potentials Will train for engineering sales Excellent future $350 MECHANICAL ENGINEER Degree Local Mfr will train in production to assist Plant Manager Good Job potential $350 up ENGINEERING SALES TRAINEE: Degree or at least 2 yrs pre-engineering to train with local mfr $300 DlqT MGR Age 30 to 40 Must have several yrs retail or wholesale automotive experience Car and expenses furnished $500 INSURANCE SALES: Age 22 to 40 Car necessary Comm plu bonus MECHANICAL SALES: Age 26 to 35 At least 2 or 3 yrs previous Intangible selling experience Local A and comm Car necessary Open Kate Floyd employment counselors 820-21Strlck Bldg CAREER OPPORTUNITY" Mississippi's largest Dodge-Plymouth dealer tieeds 10 salesmen No previous experience necessary as men hired will he trained In a new system of selling new and used autos and trucks Guaranteed salary plua commission basis No house deals taken but a pleasant and well organized business management helps close deals Men selected will have opportunity for advancement Wire write or phone us now Garrett Na: eft -Holden Motors Greenville Miss Phone 8106 COOK-CHEF (White) PERMANENT JOB IN ESTABLISHED RESTAURANT Good pay W'rlte Jobs held pay earned type cooking date employed and references on each training family education any military rating waste time if you have drunk record This la responsible Job for ambitious man who wants secure fu- ture Box H-131 care of this paper WELDERS and LABORERS Permanent employment for welders and laborer? Must be able to climb high structure Between ages 21 and 30 Free to travel with tiavel pay after yog join crew Apply Office for Interview DIXIE TANK A BRIDGE CO Otl 8 Bout 78 INSURANCE REPORTER Needed by national insurance reporting company young men 22-28 both vuij Mini 491-40 win have been declared at $2799207 Mrs Beard was not named in the indictments Beard was arrested last April 9 and released on $1000 bond Date of trial has not been set So far Beard who is represented by Allen Strawbridge Dresden has not made a statement on the income tax charge Last week end Beard issued a sworn statement in which he supported Gov Frank claim that the Governor bought a $5000 Cadillac with personal funds Clement received the Area Mr and Mrs A Jones West Memphis II Rules and Regulations Applying to Ark boy at 7 20 a July 28 1M Managed Small name Hunts Mr nd Mr Drtugrh Ml Mm- A nd llmlu thn th nine as thou eublihfl by Proclaim-matlon No 49 Permits A Wildlife Management denhall a girl at 7:52 July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs Lessen 883 Klppley! a boy at 11:44 a July 28 3954 Mr and Mrs A Dickey 3505 Kendrick at 2:45 Addison first vice president Clarence Edwards second yice president Wallace Miller international first vice president Leon Ethridge secretary and treasur- girl am July 29 1954 OPPORTUNITY We are looking for a man who needa to earn big money and is willing to work for it Saml-profejimnal work Asaoclated with a high rated company with successful record No aiark season no delivery no collecting Must hav rar and ambition For Interview write Box W-178 cart this paper BUTLEP BUILDING dealer and general contractor needs an alert experienced draftsman -salesman 30-15 years old with at least two years college engineering Raie opportunity for hustler Answer tn own handwriting giving experience age salary expected Box 808 Sheffield Ala METHODIST Mr and Mrs A Riddle 1163 Poplar a girl at 12:09 am July 28 19M Mr and Mrs A Rider 199 Gaither boy at 110 a July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs McFarland 998 By Atftoruttd if WASHINGTON The Justice Department sa-id that Immigration Commissioner Joseph Swing has recommended that Ellis Island in New York Harbor be abandoned as an immigration station and its operations transferred into New York City proper The commissioner said will mean not only a saving of $800000 to $900000 annually but will provide for greater operating The attorney general has taken the matter under advisem*nt Dally $100 permit or $5 00 an nual permit required (Experimental for first year I 2 Ail other $100 permit required 3 Permits are not transferable A permit will be automatically voided If a participant violates any of the rules ana regulation governing the hunts State Hunting License which is re qulred in addition to the permit will bo left at a checking station while hunting Hunter will check In and out of a checking station designated on their To talk to 28 men who are really ambitious in securing an increase in their income and in having steady employment the yror around In other words there are no lay-off periods and consistent income is the income that really counts It doesn't matter what your past employment has been all we ask is that you are willing to study and learn as we teach you our work It will be necessary that you be willing to get along on $75 to $85 per week for the first 4 or 5 weeks while learning our work You must also be able to give the names of three people of responsibility We prefer men who are married or men who have some source of responsibility For interview be here in person Saturday July 31 2 pm' King Cotton Hotel Martin-Parry Corp Watkins a girl at 2 44 am July 28 19M Mr and Mrs Faught 136 wm-kins a boy at 3:15 a July 28 1954 Roy Ervin Lou Ervin and Cadillac on inauguration day and Manser members of the Beard handled the purchase he directors said Robert Crichton Nashville denied Crichton gave him trucking firm executive and for the Cadillac Clement nier close associate of Clement released letters he said he wrote said he gave Clement $5000 to buy 00 the Cadillac and Secretary of'last Jan' 28 with State Edward Friar said he Crchfon and Friar who say they witnessed the transaction Clem-ever received the letters LOOK! poll wood a girl at 10:18 a July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs Otis Wilbanks 897 Orphanage a girl at 5:39 pm July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs Brown 3536 Barbara boy at 9 45 pm July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs A Pretfl 2941 Brewer a boy at 10:05 July 28 1954 ST permit Hu unters Television and Radio Programs Thursday FM ARK YOU AMBITIOUS? ghnw that you are capable and wa have a better position fr you Mean time your earnings will higher than the average salesman thought possible For appointment phone Ben 1 rial J2 -5728 before noon ROUTE SALESMAN Let us explain how you can make up to $25 a day contacting satisfied customen with nationally known Mc-Ness Safety Soal Products No money but Iota of ambition necessary Ap-pI 386 Scott St TOP SALESMAN with engineering background and experienced In selling large unit commercial and residential air conditioning and heating systems Draw plus commission Apply General Air Conditioning and Equipment Co Contractors 1331 Union 71744 This a come on ad We do have a nice proposition for you If you are a good salesman you can earn $150 week and up with our cnmmlaalon and bonua plan Come In and AIK it over Delta Trading Stamp Co 1292 Jefferson Ave from 8 30 to 4 Mrmint arid temporary pozttioni No or roIlKtini Som cnl- wort prfrld cr neenury I IIEirUBIT may enter and leav the area only once each day Nr wildlife species may be molested tn any manner except those designated as legal take on the hunter permit Guides will be allowed for all hunts but must te approved by the Hunt Manager and must possess a vald State Guide License Guides may not carry guns unless they posses a State Hunting Llcene and a valid Wildlife Management Area Hunt Permit I Any person under the influence of alcohol or who is careless with firearm-will be removed from the area and his permit will be canceled without refund Hunters shall provide and wear red caps and red Jackets or red cloths over their shoulders Loaded guns will not be permitted In cars or around checking stations Shooting will not be permitted from an automotive vehicle No shooting will be permitted within 200 yards of any building or improvement No target practice will be allowed except at ranges established for the sighting of weapons Sldearms shall not be allowed on the by cutting torch damage unestlmated Legal 515 McLean two-story brick caused As prescribed bv State and Federal by short circuit damage small aWg and regulations except that 33S149 Caradlne grass I rifles are prohibited on A 4 National and Tutwiler wash gns off Wildlife Management Area treet 1 One dog per person shall be allowed for 5 2718 Pershing grass I ait hunt Boyd two-story brick caused by ajj jug murt checked through the defective hot water tank damage un- checking stations and all required kill data will be collected at the checking stations 4 STATE GAME AND FISH COMMISSION 8 Tutwiler and University bus In street (S) JOLLY Chairman short circuit damage unestlmated Attest: Dickinson one-story brick RI EDWIN CRUTCHER Secretary caused bv defective light switch dam-(g HAYDEN OLDS Director age small Date: July 27 1954 Mr and Mrs Muriel Guy 2118 Florida boy at 8 a July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs Robert Rhodes 3834 Rose Road a girl at 3:08 pm July 28 1954 Mr and Mrs Jackson Tyronia Ark a boy at 1126 pm July 28 1954 Where's the Fire? AM Saxon one-story frame cause unknown damage unestlmated Jefferson one story tin cause unknown damage unestlmated Saratoga one-story frame caused by short dr PM Lundee one-story brick caused by hot motor damage unestlmated Bellalr two-story brick caused by short circuit damage small Front three-story brick caused by trash fire on roof damage small Wisconsin one -story metal caused Can use 3 or 4 college students for remainder of summer Call Mr Sadler or Mr Pitta between 8 am and -AJL01 appoint mint 37 -2553 ARKANSAS Dodge and Plvrn uth dealer in town of 20000 population wapta to employ bookkeeper Age 21 to 45 Prefer man with auto accounting experience with ambition to be more than a bookkeeper Must be able to use typewriter and take charge of office References required Punks nd drunks pleas do not apply Ti H-128 rare of this paper BOYS! BOYS! BOYS! 3 SALESMEN Do you have the desire to maU $100 per week above expenses and be your own boss? If so here is the opportunity you have been waiting for We furnish plenty of bona fide leads also pay a bonus every six months We are looking for men with the ability to advance rapidly If you meet with our approval it is ours To qualify you must over 21 yrs of age neat appearing and bondable Automobile essential Contact Mr Fletcher Wednesday Thursday 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Standard Life and Accident Insurance Co 2071 Union Ave Have (ipnlnf lor 10 white boyi JJ to 16 Avrrge mrnlno 52S to $40 per wrek Mast be neat appearing and willing to work Apply Keyalone Reader Servlet dam to 9 a (nd I pm to i Mr Smith Room 7I)4-70S 81 Madison Bldg TELEVISION SALESMAN As- in to 45 preferred aa poguion require! actual experience arid lo hold service school with Ihl distributor dealers There will else he work tn the shop and about half time travel-ln Toliver Service Shrine Bldg NOT PEDDLERS! Vendors to sell Ice cream out of pushcarts Good workers average $40 to $50 per week See Shorty Keel at 3164 Johnson or Mr Bob a 58J Alabama High Ice Hm Fix FAST SERVICE ON YORK AND RCA A1R-CONDIT1UNERJ BURNS9-0321 TELEVISION SERVICE HARDING 2-0619 EVENING AND WEEK-END SERVICE ELECTRIC FANS repaired: factory methods Attic window fan aervice Johnson 88 AIR CONDITIONING Waihere fur-naces repaired free estimates Jim Appliance Service 37-0138 Travel Opporf unltle Going to Los Angeles We have 3 1953 and 1954 ears ready to go to responsible people Here is an opportunity to get to California without much expense JOHNTFISHER MOTOR CO 211 Dudley 2-1143 Today Morning Show 00 Blackwoods News Muale Roundup 15 Bob Neal Show Serenade Aerlcultur 30 Buck Turner Gene Steele :45 Marketi Weather Charlie Dial Today Clock watcher Honest John Coffee Club New Music News Cotto Club Ray' Recorda Kewi Ntwg Musie CBS Newt Musical Clock Newt Musical Clock New Go-Round New Go-Round 6 7 8 Nfw 00 Bob Neal 15 30 45 News Weather 00 Breakfast Club IB 30 45 Ding Dong Garry Moore CBS Newi News Moodg In Muale Go-Round Good Muale Star Tim Clock Watcher Ray Record Tan Town Hewa-Watchera Newt Watchers News Ray Taliaferro stwg Time to Live 3 Stepa Houaewifa Arthur Godfrey Bob Smith MANAGER-TRAINEE Age 25-35 who can stand rigid Investigation lor a permanent Job Must have sales or collection btek- round Good starting salary Apply Clothing 1 tie Mam ESTABLISHED Memphis structural steel firm has opening in estimating and sales work Permanent poattlnn with excellent luture Engineering background preferred Write F-163 car this paper 00 My True Story 15 30 Whisper Street 45 Girl Marries Strike It Rich wifa Break the Bank Housewife 10 Strike It Rich Cart Furnlihad Florida Calling Queen for Day 00 Romance 15 Melodies :30 45 Crocker Date Bob Smith Valiant Lady Love of Llfa Shop at Horn Search Guiding Light Make Up Mind Phrase Pays Rosemary Second Chance Advertising Trainee $250 llespnml graph Ful Responsible young man with mimeograph or multlgraph exper wonderful opportunity 22-30 Executive No 49 Punuant to the AUthnrtty jrtntcd by Chepler 115 nt the Public Act nf 1951 the State Game and Ftsh Commission after maklnj a survey of the State and flndtm that the supply of game Is autmeent to allow hunting and trapping as hereafter prescribed without the danger of extinction or depletion hereby pror alms the following hunting and trapping regulations for the 1954-55 season All laws rules and adopted by the Federal Government applying to Migratory Birds are hereby adopted by the Commission and are a part of Its proclamation aa If copied herein verbatim UPLAND GAME (HUNTING) BOBWHITE QUAIL RUFFED GROUSE (MOUNTAIN PHEASANTl RING-NECK PHEASANT SQUIRREL RABBIT MIGRATORY BIRDS (HUNTING) DOVES (Noon until sunset) DUCKS MERGANSERS WILSON SNIPE OR JACKSNtPE GEESE AND BRANT COOT WOODco*ck GALLINULES AND RAILS III FUR-BEARING MAMMALS I HUNTING RACCOON (Sunset to sunrtsel Axes and saw may not be carried when hunting raccoons and opossums OPOSSUM (Sunset to Sunrlsei MINK (hunting with dogsi RED No open taking season In Washington Carter Greene Johnson and Knox Counties (Private Acts of 195U GRAY FOX SKUNKS WEASELS BOBCAT AND GROUNDHOG IV FUR-BEARING MAMMAL (TRAPPING' RACCOON AND OPOSSUM MUSKRAT AND MINK OTTER AND BEAVER RED No open trapping season on red foxes lei Washington Carter Greene Johnson and Knox Counties (Private Acts of 1953) GRAY FOX SKUNKS WEASELS BOBCAT AND GROUNDHOG SCHEDULE OF MANAOFD SMALL GAME HINTS ON WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS JanA25 StnOiwulrmsiintto Shrise Oct 15-Jan 36 Sept 1-20 and Oct 14-Nov 2 as sei uy Sept 27-Oct 3 nd OrUJLO Grouse and BIG Oprawm (Sunset to Sunrieei-Oct Squlrreland7 Sept 1-A and 6-H: Ra "00n (Sunset to Sunrise) Oct 15-1S 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 J0-J1 Gr puae Quail Rabbit Squirrel and Ragorback Nov 27 -Dec 1 4 8 11 and Dem 27 Jim CENTRAL Sept 27-Oct 2 and Oct 4-9 I (Sunset to Sunrlaei-Oct 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Grouse Quail 10:15 Kirby Grant atlrt tne ca- Rabbit and Dec 27-Jan 1 gurnet to CEDARS OF Oct 4-9: Raccoon and Opossum (sunset to Oct 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Rabbit Quill and Sept 1-4 and 6-11 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Oct 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Nov 1-6 and 8-10 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Oct 15-16 and 16-17 COVE Oct 4-9 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to sunrlsei and adrift with two crazed companions Playhouse of Stars WMCT Sen Estes Kefauver WMCT star in on Late Show WHBQ-TV Tomorrow will show the SALESMEN WANTED HRRE IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN A PROGRESSIVE MODERN ORGANIZATION WITH PLENTY OE ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT AND INCREASED EARNINGS FOR THE MEN WHO CAN QUALIFY SELLING FORDS THE HOTTEST CAR ON THE MARKET PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY SEE BILL FENTON Service Inc 525 Exchange Bldg 37-3431 COTTON TRAINEE Train as claHser must have some college 22-24 start $200 Executive Service Inc 525 Exchange Bldg 37-3431 $325 Must be full charge credit background pref 28-40 yrs General Employment 160 Union 5-0773 TRAINEE $250 Must own car some office detail Min two yrs college pref 22-28 General Employment 160 Union 5-0773 FAST TYPIST Covington Just Bill Lorenro Jones Front Page Marriage Pays 00 Mid-South News 15 What's Cooking? 30 :45 4 Olswanger Adventure Lash of West Western Cartoons HERFF Motor Co 295 UNION sea Los Angeles Seattle San Francisco 15 New and Laie Mode! Cars Ready to Go PART EXPENSES PAID See Joe Moore or Roy Hayes MOTORS 1508 Broadway West Memphis Ark Ph 393 West Memphis 8-1722 Memphis DRIVERS NEEDED FOR CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 20 Cars to Leave Immediately PART EXPENSES PAID REFERENCES REQUIRED Set Sptck Automobile Sales Co 309 UNION 38-1381 CALIFORNIA $60 EXPENSES PAID LEAVE ANY TIME APPLY IN PERSON LLOYD MTR CO 234 UNION California 54 MODEL CARS FURNISHED TO CALIFORNIA GAS and OIL EXP PAID Part Expenses Paid HUTTON MTR CO nine TV SALESMEN Wib or without previous to sell new Chrysler nd Plymouth auti mob i foi one of tha louth oldest nd largest dealers The man elected will thoroughly trained Liberal commissions and excellent future for th right man SEE MR HUDSON JOHNTFISHER MOTOR CO 211 SO DUDLEY first exclusive films of the Polish creek 'falls Squirrel and Razorback Hog Sept 20-25 and Sept 27-Oct underground uprising against the 1 7: Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Oct 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 37-2! Nazis on its 10th anniversary underground uprising against the 2: Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset and 30-31: Grouse Quail Rabbit Squirrel and Raaorback Hog Dec 27-Jan KETTLEFOOT Squirrel Sept 27-Oct 2 and Oct 4-9 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Oct 15-36 and 16-17: Grouse and 27-Jan 1 LAUREL Sept 27-Oct 2 and Oct 4-9 Grouse and WMCT Lewis Taliaferro can- DKJ7firv1 didate for Congress on WHHM Five Spanish cadets tak- NATCHEZ to Sunrise -Oct 16-17 20-21 Nov 1-6 and 8-10 Raccoon and Opowum (Suniet 15-16 16-37 20-23 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Oct 4-9 Raccoon and Opossum tSunaet to Oct 15-16 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Squirrel and Dec 27-Jan 1 incr Pivil Air Patrol training in Squirrel and Razorback Sept 27-Oct 2 and Oct 4-9: Raccoon and 111 Ja Opossum Sunset to Sunrise 15-16 16-17 22-23 23-24 ouum (Sunset to Oct Juall and Squirrel Nov 29-Dec 4 PRENTICE Squirrel and Razorback Sepi 15-18 and 20-25 Raccoon --i 29-30 and 30-31 Squirrel Memphis Will be interviewed by Grouse Rabbit and Raiorback Dec 27-Jfun 1 -ki- DeMursrt vTrrr Oct 4-9: Raccoon and Opoi Olivia Browne WMU 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Rabbit Qu 1 0- Demonstration of voting PRENTICE COOPER SQuirrel and Razorback Hog- lau uemonaiiduon vi voui Bill for local freight line 2 'til 8 pm Student OK General Employ-ment 160 Union 5-0773 Cost Accountant $400 Cost analysis firm work In Memphis Higher sect exp General Employment i60 Union 5-0773 ELEVATOR starter Direct traffic and elevators Will train if good appearance and personality Age 30 to 40 Start $216 AMERICAN IMF 712 Comm TIN TRAINEE age to 40 real estate background necesiary starting salary 1275 ACCREDITED EMP SERVICE 609 Sterlck Bldg 8 Third A Dental Laboratory Tech nlclan qualified to do general prosthetic work Modern professional dental office in town 25000 in South -East Missouri Write Box W-26 care tt of this paper SALES Electric utility materials Prefer young men engineering training with utility work experience Salary bonus expenses and car furnished Replies confidential Box PG72 care this paper AIRLINES NEED OPERATIONS AGENTS See ad under dasalfiration 20 Weaver Airline Personnel Training ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN for firm of engineers Prefer experience but will consider a graduate Substantial salary In either case Toli-ver a Service Shrine Bldg Draftsman 5 Days $275 up Furniture drawing or Arch background Key position with new firm IKE FRIEDMAN EMP 718 Fall Bldg ELECTRICAL engineer experienced with electrical transmission and distribution systems Apply People Utilities Inc 861 Carondelet fit New Orleans Jjs Shop foreman for Farm Implement business This Is an ect-lent paying Job Man must be capable aober an reliable No need to apply without recommend ationa JBox 26 Tunica Miss ASSISTANT district mgr college background Travel Natl firm age 30-35 Car furn Attractive benefits Salary $350 Shapiro Positions Exchange 1205 3 Sis te rBidg EX PE RT EN CED 7 a machine operator Full time high piece-work ra'e If not experienced do not apniv Moore National Rose Co 767 Kentucky COMMERCIAL artist local printing and lithographing firm Must have creative ability state experience when replying Write P-15 care of this paper Radio Toniaht Brooklyn Dodgers on This I Be- Cathy and Elliott Lewis WREC in Telegram" story about jy Tonight a couple who spend a sleepless 315Mose Simms nationally night worrying about what in an jnown promoter of an-unopened wire WREC nuaj All-America high school 11:05 Jackie Robinson of football game is presented on The Interesting Channel Chuckles Persons program by George Bug- bee sports editor WMCT Merv Griffin and Betty Ann Grove visit the Harvard Observatory but find out about romance instead of astronomy on Summer Holiday WHBQ-TV 6 Cavalcade of America in of tells how Henry Stiegel brought with him from Germany a great skill an enormous vanity and a set of outmoded values that led to his financial ruin but made him an American legend WMCT David Niven in Matter of a comedy centering around the activities of a pediatrician who has difficulties with his own children Four Star Playhouse WHBQ-TV 7:00 A gang of hijackers is rounded up on Dragnet WMCT 7 Gov Frank Clement WMCT and WHBQ-TV Anthony Ross as Detective Hale solves Case of the Dying on Telltale Clew WHBQ-TV Ti i 9:00 Basil Rathbone stars in I his one has very short The GeneraI-s playing a chapters that can be read tough general who won't admit during tv defeat when shot down at political advkrtisbment POLITICAL advertisem*nt i8lnd opossum (Sunset to Oct 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 Walker Grouae Squirrel and Razorback Dec 27-Jan 1 REEL Squirrel Sept 1-4 and 6-11 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Sunrise) 15-16 16-17 20-21 23-24 27-28 and 30-31 1 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset to Oct 35-16 38-17 20-21 23-24 £djy 27-28 and 30-31 Nov 1-6 and R-10 Arlene STANDING Squirrel Groundhog Foxes and Oct 1-2 and 8-9: Tm Tir Raccoon Opossum Foxes and Bobcat (Sunset to Oct 15-16 36-17 22-23 Judge on Early Show WHBQ-TV 1 13-24 29-30 and 30-31 Rabbit Foxes and Bobcat-Dec 3-4 kik rw ppvtnn Rhodes sept 27-Oct 2 and Oct 4-9 Raccoon and Opossum (Sunset OIO UT reyion Vi ruiuues to Nov 5-6 6-7 8-9 and 9-10: Grouse tnd Squirrel Dec 27-Jan 1 president of Southwestern will be t0 presented on The Press-Scimi- state game and ftsh commission tar Interesting Persons pro- ATTKST isigned jolly chirmn gram WMCT by Mary Allie i (Signd) edwtn crutcher swrtnr Taylor staff writer 0LDS' 2 SALESMEN Wanted by national concern for Missiaalppl and Weat Tenn territories Call on commercial and Industrial with lln of guaranteed electrtraj supplies Numerous established sects Late model car necessary Required minimum earnings $100 per week No age limit Phone Wlatt 2-6490 Thursday only 9 to 5 NEGRO SALESMEN Need two highly educated men to sell an educational aervice to teachers and schools Teaching experience helpful Car necessary Earnings $120 or more per week Must be good talker Write qualifications age education sales experience phone num-ber to Box 3-c Richmond Va 3 MEN WANTED Hav you 3 to 5 hours dally? Could you use an extra $10 per day with nationally advertlaed Watkins products contacting regular Watkins customer Age no handicap Investment not necessary Apply 9 to 12 a 118 Waldran 354 UNION Lost and Found Political Advertisem*nt (Political Advertisem*nt' (Political Advertisem*nt) MOST IMPORTANT ADDRESS OF THE CAMPAIGN! GRKENSKEEPER for 18-hole golf course on Gulf Coast Good year around opportunity for qualified man Write to Dick Watert Gulf Hills Club Ocean Springs Miss MENTS DO NOT INCLOSE ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATIONS COPIES ARE SUFFICIENT MAIN ST FIRM desTresyoung man trainee for general office work Age 18 to 20 Answer in own handwrlt-Ing Bog a 7701 re this paper CHEMIST TRAINEE 1 75 Min two years college or high achool chemistry 18-25 years will train General Imp! 160 Union 5-0773 RELIGIOUS Supplies Salesmen Religious Supply Store We desire a part-time representative Commissions Sell all Faiths Church Offering Envelope In this area Selling experience necessary Writ Box J25 Cheater West Virginia saU Mui) ave previous sales experience and own truck or car Gotetfer can earn good money this fall by starting now Fiev-O-Rirh Bakery 2239 Lamar No phone call! please MAN WA NT ED Hr Ra wleigh Buln i In Marshall Co Mississippi or 8 Lee County Arkanaas No experience needed to start Write Rtwlelgha Dept TNG -81 1 -0 Memphis Tenn i you are ambitious we have an opening worth Investigating Pays $86 to $125 weekly necessary Phone 37-6588 or apply 110 Auction Ave TWO advertising si lesmen for wtekly newspaper high school students preferred Telephone experience helpful steady employment Apply 213 Court or phone 38-i 84 for appoint WANTED experienced used car salesman good working conditions Must sober and reliable Apply in person Splann Motor Co 1065 Hol- lywood WANTED salesman for awnings pat lot home improvements Must have car arid experience United Awning Co 1013 Parkway 7-7930 MENTS DO NOT INCLOSE ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATIONS COPIES ARE SUFFICIENT HHHI BLUB TICK female hound puppy 2 month old strayed from 3447 Rom-mond in vicinity of Macon and Na- 1 ir'ftal Rd Reward 33 -4887 Bedding ring last Tuesday a ft Entrance Fairground awimmlng pool 62-1785 Rcwa rd STRAYED from 25 Shady Biack-whlt-tan Bcagla hound 15- Inchcs high call 2-0055 rtward STRAYED from Charjcan School brown and whit male 61 Shelton on collar 48-3219 Steer owner claim pay ad and feed 36-7576 Trod School 'BEAUTY OR BARBER I NG LEARN AT MOLES COLLEGE "The Oldest arid Most Famous" Beauty Dept 146 Union 8-1004 Barber Dept 82 Second St 6-8J08 Educational 20 AIRLINES NEED Operations Agents Clean cut young men with no physical defects Interesting public contact duties with good nsy and x-cellert advancement Interview by appointment only Fhona Mr Luten 5-6862 Out of towners writ to Weavar Alr-lint Personnel Train! ig SuM 214 81 Madison Bldg Memphis Tenn A parsonal representative will In four vicinity th near futur for an intervlw CH SCHOOL Complete your high school at Home In spare time with American School Texts furnished rm classes Diplomas Booklet free WrUe American School CPO Box 16W Memphis Tenn 00MFTOMKTKR Official Schrol In Memphis Short easy coume low tuition free lifetime placements over the world 543 Ster-tek dg 5-3100 MR FRANK BYRD Speaks Tonight On Television For SENATOR ESTES KEFAUVER HAIR STYLIST Good salary excellent commission and asslitan fur nls hed 33-1893 AUTO BODY SANDER-Exper in shop desired Start $1 10-11 20 heur INDEX COURT CHEMICAL ENGR $400 up Degree necc and 1 yr expr Under 30 IKE FRIEDMAN EMP 718 Falla Bidg WANTED Registered pharmaciat in long established drug store in Middle Tennessee town Inquiries treated confidentially H-129 care thU paper BODY AND FENDER MAN A-l metal man with shop exper $2 hour INDEX 107 COURT MECHANICALLY inclined young man for service and delivery work Auto nece Mary Pho ne 2-3829 TYPIST-TELETYPE 1200 Cotton firm Good oppor 50-55 IKE FRIEDMAN EMP 718 Falls Bldg Mala Help Wanted INSURANCE DEBIT 260 good man Car nece IKE good msn Car nece IKE Set-up for FRIED MAN EMP 718 Falls Bldg Merhanlcal aptitude Car neec $296 and expenses IKE FRIEDMAN IMF 718 Falls Bldg Hear Frank Clement tell the whole truth about the REAL ISSUES in his campaign for re-election Governor Clement comes to Memphis today to deliver this powerful message in person from the gtudios of WMCT Tune In Early Miss It! 7:30 to 8 Tonight Memphis and Shelby County Clement For Governor Committee Re-Elect CLEMENT Keep Tennessee Clean WANTED expenneced body and paint man by Ford dealer Apply Holly Motor Co Phune 486 McGh Ark CHANNEL 13 10:00 PM WHBQ-TV Make lumber core solid St glued dlmenaions $175 p-h up IKE FRIEDMAN EM 718 Falla Bldg DELIVERY boy wanted for store 657 Parkway at Jackson Service manager for heavy equipment shop Write Box W-185 car of his paper FURNITURE FINISHER 30-45 First class exp on fin furniture ntralEm plpjrn ent 107 a dlxon VENEER room foreman upIKE FRIEDMAN EMP 718 Falls Bldg MACHINE ihop foreman Stat expert-net Write W-I54 cara UUa paper -21 Fblltlfkl Id ptld tor by Shflby County Xfuvtr Ckmpgn Commltte tmployment Aqoncic WE SPECIALIZE: It PLACINC COOKS MAIDS AND DAT WORKER HEALTH CARD HOUSEHOLD EMP AGENCY T-tS GOOD experienced shoe maker Steady Job good pay Apply 308 a i Continued oa.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.