Excel Tutorial: How To Break External Links In Excel (2024)


When working in Excel, you may have come across external links, which are connections between different workbooks or worksheets. These links can be useful for pulling in data from other sources, but they can also cause issues when you want to share or move your Excel file. In this tutorial, we will show you how to break external links in Excel and explain the importance of doing so.

Key Takeaways

  • External links in Excel can be useful for pulling in data from other sources, but they can also cause issues when sharing or moving files.
  • It is important to regularly check for and break external links to avoid potential risks such as data security breaches, impact on file size and performance, and difficulty in tracking and managing data.
  • Understanding how to identify external links and how to break them using features such as "Edit Links" and "Break Links" is essential for effective Excel usage.
  • Best practices for managing external links include using absolute references, communicating with collaborators about potential external links, and keeping track of changes and updates to source data.
  • Proactively managing external links in Excel is crucial for maintaining data integrity and ensuring smooth file sharing and collaboration.

Understanding External Links in Excel

An external link in Excel refers to a reference to another workbook, file, or data source. When a cell or range of cells in a worksheet contains a reference to an external file, it creates an external link.

A. Definition of external links

External links in Excel are connections to other workbooks or data sources that are used to bring information from one location to another.

B. How external links are created

External links are created when a formula, a chart, or any other object in a workbook refers to another workbook or data source. This can happen when copying cells from one workbook to another, or when using the 'Insert' or 'Paste' function.

C. Risks associated with external links

External links can pose certain risks, such as the potential for broken links if the source file is moved or deleted. There is also a risk of unintentionally sharing sensitive information if the external file contains confidential data.

D. Common scenarios where external links occur
  • Collaborative Work: When multiple users are working on different workbooks and need to reference data from each other's files.
  • Reporting: When creating reports that pull data from various sources into a single workbook.
  • Data Analysis: When combining data from different sources for analysis or comparison.

How to Identify External Links in Excel

When working with Excel spreadsheets, it's important to keep track of any external links that may be present. These external links can cause issues when sharing or editing the spreadsheet, so it's essential to identify and manage them properly. Here are a few methods for identifying external links in Excel:

Using the "Edit Links" feature

The "Edit Links" feature in Excel provides a comprehensive list of all external links present in the spreadsheet. To access this feature, navigate to the "Data" tab and select "Edit Links" from the "Connections" group. This will open a window displaying all the external links, including their source and status.

Checking formulas for external references

Another way to identify external links in Excel is by checking the formulas used in the spreadsheet. Look for any formulas that reference cells or ranges in external workbooks. This can be done by reviewing the formulas in each worksheet or by using the "Find" function to search for specific references.

Utilizing the "Search" function

Excel's "Search" function can also be utilized to identify external links within the spreadsheet. Simply use the "Search" feature to look for keywords or file paths that may indicate the presence of external links. This can help identify any hidden or hard-to-spot links that may be present in the workbook.

Risks of Leaving External Links Unresolved

When external links in Excel are left unresolved, it can pose several significant risks to the security and performance of your data. Below, we will explore the potential repercussions of neglecting to break external links in your Excel spreadsheets.

A. Potential for data security breaches
  • Unintentional sharing of sensitive information: External links can inadvertently share confidential data with unauthorized users, putting your organization at risk of data breaches.
  • Vulnerability to cyber attacks: Unresolved external links can serve as entry points for malicious actors to infiltrate your network and compromise sensitive information.

B. Impact on file size and performance
  • Increased file size: Unresolved external links can bloat your Excel files, making them unwieldy and difficult to manage.
  • Diminished performance: Large volumes of unresolved external links can significantly slow down the performance of your Excel spreadsheets, leading to lagging and system crashes.

C. Difficulty in tracking and managing data
  • Data integrity issues: Unresolved external links can lead to data discrepancies and inaccuracies, making it challenging to maintain the integrity of your data.
  • Complicated data management: Without breaking external links, it becomes arduous to track the source of your data and manage it effectively, leading to operational inefficiencies.

Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking External Links

External links in Excel can be a hassle to deal with, especially when you want to remove them. Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to break these links and clean up your spreadsheet. Below are four effective ways to accomplish this:

A. Using the "Break Links" feature

Step 1: Open your Excel file that contains the external links.

Step 2: Navigate to the "Data" tab on the Excel ribbon.

Step 3: Click on the "Edit Links" option in the "Connections" group.

Step 4: In the "Edit Links" dialog box, select the external links you want to break.

Step 5: Click on the "Break Link" button and confirm the action when prompted.

B. Updating source data to remove external references

Step 1: Identify the source of the external references in your Excel file.

Step 2: Open the source file for the external references.

Step 3: Update or remove the data that is being referenced by the external links.

Step 4: Save the changes in the source file and close it.

Step 5: Return to your original Excel file to see the external links broken.

C. Copying and pasting values to remove links

Step 1: Select the cells or range of data that contain the external links.

Step 2: Right-click and choose the "Copy" option or press Ctrl + C on your keyboard.

Step 3: Right-click again and choose the "Paste Special" option, then select "Values" and click "OK".

Step 4: This will replace the formulas with the actual values, effectively removing the external links.

D. Saving a copy of the file without external links

Step 1: Once you have broken the external links using any of the above methods, you can save a copy of the file without the links.

Step 2: Click on "File" and then "Save As" to create a new version of the file.

Step 3: Choose a location and file name for the copy, and click "Save".

Step 4: The new file will no longer have any external links, providing a clean version for your use.

Best Practices for Managing External Links

When working with external data in Excel, it's important to follow best practices for managing external links to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your spreadsheets.

A. Regularly checking for external links
  • Update and Refresh: Regularly update and refresh external data connections to ensure that the information in your spreadsheet is current.
  • Check for Errors: Periodically check for errors in external links to avoid any potential data discrepancies.

B. Using absolute references when linking to external data
  • Avoiding Relative References: Use absolute references when linking to external data to prevent any issues with cell references if the source data gets moved or renamed.
  • Understanding Absolute References: Familiarize yourself with the use of dollar signs in cell references to make them absolute.

C. Communicating with collaborators about potential external links
  • Sharing External Data Sources: Communicate with your collaborators about any external data sources used in the spreadsheet to ensure everyone is aware of the links.
  • Seeking Confirmation: Ask collaborators to confirm the reliability and accuracy of the external data sources being used.

D. Keeping track of changes and updates to source data
  • Documenting Changes: Keep a record of any changes or updates made to the source data linked in your spreadsheet.
  • Monitoring Data Sources: Regularly monitor the source data for any updates or revisions that could affect the accuracy of your external links.


Managing external links in Excel is crucial to maintaining data integrity and avoiding potential errors. By breaking external links, you can ensure that your spreadsheet remains accurate and secure. Remember to regularly review and manage external links to prevent any unforeseen complications.

To recap, the steps to break external links in Excel are:

  • Open the workbook containing the external links
  • Click on the Data tab
  • Select Edit Links
  • Choose Break Link and confirm

We encourage all our readers to implement these best practices in their Excel usage to maintain the reliability and stability of their spreadsheets. By staying proactive and vigilant, you can ensure that your data remains accurate and secure, ultimately leading to more effective decision-making and analysis.

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As a seasoned Excel expert, I bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in working with complex spreadsheet functionalities. I've actively addressed issues related to data security, performance optimization, and collaborative spreadsheet management. My proficiency extends to breaking external links in Excel, a crucial skill for maintaining data integrity and ensuring smooth collaboration. Let's delve into the concepts covered in the provided article:

Concepts Covered in the Article:

1. Introduction to External Links in Excel:

  • Definition of External Links (A): External links are connections to other workbooks or data sources, creating references in Excel that bring information from one location to another.

  • How External Links are Created (B): Formulas, charts, or objects in a workbook can create external links when referring to another workbook or data source. This occurs during copying, pasting, or using functions like 'Insert' or 'Paste.'

  • Risks Associated with External Links (C): Potential risks include broken links if the source file is moved or deleted and unintentional sharing of sensitive information from external files.

  • Common Scenarios for External Links (D): Collaborative work, reporting, and data analysis are common scenarios where external links occur.

2. How to Identify External Links in Excel:

  • Using "Edit Links" Feature: Accessible through the "Data" tab, the "Edit Links" feature provides a comprehensive list of external links, displaying their source and status.

  • Checking Formulas for External References: Examining formulas for references to cells or ranges in external workbooks helps identify external links.

  • Utilizing the "Search" Function: Excel's "Search" function can be used to find keywords or file paths indicating the presence of external links.

3. Risks of Leaving External Links Unresolved:

  • Potential Data Security Breaches (A): Unresolved external links may lead to unintentional sharing of sensitive information and vulnerability to cyber attacks.

  • Impact on File Size and Performance (B): Unresolved external links can result in increased file size and diminished performance.

  • Difficulty in Tracking and Managing Data (C): Unresolved external links may lead to data integrity issues and complicated data management.

4. Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking External Links:

  • Using the "Break Links" Feature (A): Accessible through the "Data" tab, this feature allows users to select and break external links.

  • Updating Source Data to Remove External References (B): Identifying the source, updating or removing referenced data, and saving changes breaks external links.

  • Copying and Pasting Values to Remove Links (C): Copying and pasting values replaces formulas with actual values, effectively removing external links.

  • Saving a Copy of the File Without External Links (D): After breaking external links, saving a copy of the file ensures a clean version without links.

5. Best Practices for Managing External Links:

  • Regularly Checking for External Links (A): Periodically update and refresh external data connections to ensure current information.

  • Using Absolute References (B): Avoid relative references and use absolute references when linking to external data.

  • Communicating with Collaborators (C): Communicate with collaborators about external data sources and seek confirmation of reliability.

  • Keeping Track of Changes and Updates (D): Document changes to source data and monitor it for updates that could affect external links.

6. Conclusion and Best Practices Recap:

  • Conclusion: Managing external links is crucial for data integrity, security, and error prevention.

  • Recap: Steps to break external links include opening the workbook, accessing the "Data" tab, selecting "Edit Links," and choosing "Break Link."

  • Encouragement: Readers are encouraged to implement best practices for reliable and stable Excel usage, ensuring accurate and secure data for effective decision-making.

This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights into handling external links in Excel, combining theoretical understanding with practical steps for effective spreadsheet management.

Excel Tutorial: How To Break External Links In Excel (2024)


Excel Tutorial: How To Break External Links In Excel? ›

In the Edit Links dialog box, in the Source list, click the link that you want to break. You can select individual workbooks with Ctrl+click, or all of them with Ctrl+A. Click Break Link. If the link used a defined name, you may also want to delete the name.

How do I break an external link in an Excel spreadsheet? ›

In the Edit Links dialog box, in the Source list, click the link that you want to break. You can select individual workbooks with Ctrl+click, or all of them with Ctrl+A. Click Break Link. If the link used a defined name, you may also want to delete the name.

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How to remove links in Excel
  1. Navigate to the "Data" tab in the top banner.
  2. Find the "Queries & Connections" group.
  3. Click "Edit Links."
  4. Find the link you want to remove from the "Source" list.
  5. To select multiple links, hold the "Crtl" button on your keyboard and click each link you want to remove.
  6. Choose "Break Link."
Jun 24, 2022

How do I remove external data connections in Excel? ›

On the formula bar, click the arrow next to the Name Box, and then click the name of the external data range from which you want to remove the data connection. The data range is then selected. On the Tools tab, in the External Table Data group, click Unlink.

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How to break external links in Excel
  1. On the Data tab, in the Queries &Connections group, click the Edit Links button. If this button is greyed out, that means there is no linked data in your workbook.
  2. In the Edit Links dialog box, select the links that you want to break. ...
  3. Click the Break Link button.
Mar 13, 2023

How do I find and replace external links in Excel? ›

Navigate to the Excel worksheet in which you'd like to find external links and open it. On your keyboard, press the "Ctrl" button and the "F" button at the same time. Click on "Options" when the "Find and Replace" menu appears.

Why are links broken in Excel? ›

There could be several reasons why hyperlinks are not working in your Excel file, such as the path to the linked file being changed, automatic hyperlink being disabled, or corrupted program files . Here are some steps that you can try to fix this issue: Check if the path to the linked file has changed.

What causes broken links in Excel? ›

Excel cells may often link to other workbooks to pull relevant information from there. When a source workbook gets deleted, relocated, or damaged, external references to that file break down and your formulas start returning errors.

What does this workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe? ›

This message is a Security Warning that the automatic update of links has been disabled in Excel. A spreadsheet may have a link to another workbook however it can no longer access these and cannot update the links automatically. The existing links are therefore considered unsafe.

How do I remove external data connections have been disabled? ›

Change settings for Data Connections
  1. In Excel, click the File tab.
  2. Click Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.
  3. On the left, select External Content.
  4. Click the option that you want under Security settings for Data Connections:

What does save external link values mean in Excel? ›

Save external link values Saves copies of the values contained in an external document linked to an Excel worksheet.

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Video: Inspect files for compatibility issues
  1. Open the file that you want to be compatible with older versions of Office.
  2. Select File > Info.
  3. Select Check for Issues > Check Compatibility.
  4. Review the list of issues found in the compatibility check. ...
  5. To return to the document and fix the compatibility issues, select OK.

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Save > F5 > Select Cells > Ok.

Then you can see that all the hyperlinks in the selected range will be opened.

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Editing Worksheet and Workbook Links in Excel

Press Ctrl + K to open the Edit Hyperlink dialog. There, you should see a tree of worksheets in the workbook. Select a different one from the tree to update the worksheet redirecting link. Click OK to update.


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