Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (2024)

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (1)

Gardening is Amy Goldman's passion, but she's no slouch in the kitchen, either.

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Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (2)

Pair of German Pink heirlooms.

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Tomato Chips

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (3)

Yields 1 pound


1 cup olive oil

2 tablespoons finely minced garlic

3 pounds assorted tomatoes, sliced 1/4" thick

2 tablespoons salt

2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

1/4 cup fresh thyme, finely chopped


1. In saute pan over medium-low heat (no higher than 140°F), warm olive oil until it begins to ripple slightly at bottom of pan. Add garlic. Remove from heat and allow oil and garlic to infuse at room temperature for 2 hours. Strain and reserve oil.

2. Preheat oven to 250°F, or, if using a dehydrator, follow manufacturer's instructions.

3. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with Silpat mats or parchment paper. Brush tomatoes with garlic oil, season with salt, pepper, and thyme, and arrange in a single layer on prepared sheets.

4. Bake 1 hour, then lower the temperature to 200°F and continue baking until tomatoes are dehydrated and crisp, 3-5 hours or longer depending on moisture content of tomatoes. Serve immediately, or store in an airtight container.

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Cherry Tomato Focaccia

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (4)

Serves 8


2 teaspoons active dry yeast

3/4 cup lukewarm water, 110°F to 115°F

1 teaspoon honey or granulated sugar

2/3 cup bread flour

4 cups all-purpose white flour

1/4 cup whole-wheat flour

2 teaspoons salt

1 cup plus 2 tablespoons olive oil

1 cup water at room temperature

1/4 cup fresh garlic, peeled and sliced

1 pint assorted cherry and currant tomatoes

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

3 tablespoons basil leaves, chiffonade or thinly sliced

1 teaspoon kosher or coarse salt


1. Sprinkle dry yeast over lukewarm water and let it sit 5 minutes. Stir in honey or sugar and let it rest until bubbly, about 5 minutes.

2. Add bread flour, combine to form sponge, and let rest for 30 minutes.

3. In a separate bowl, combine remaining flours and salt. Make a well in middle and add sponge, 3/4 cup oil, and remaining cup of water. Mix by hand or in electric mixer with paddle until rough-textured. Turn dough out onto lightly floured surface and knead until smooth.

4. Place in lightly oiled bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let rise in warm spot, about 80°F, until doubled in volume, about 1 1/2 hours.

5. While dough is doubling, warm 1/4 cup olive oil in small saucepan, add garlic and cook until tender. Set aside.

6. Preheat oven to 350°F.

7. Brush cookie sheet with remaining 2 tablespoons olive oil. Place dough in center and gently press into a rectangle, about 8" by 12".

8. When dough begins to rise, spread cooled garlic and olive oil evenly over top. Place whole tomatoes on surface of dough, pressing lightly to fix in place. Allow dough to rise to double in volume, surrounding tomatoes.

9. Bake focaccia until browned, about 30 minutes. Sprinkle with Parmesan, if using, and bake a few more minutes.

10. Sprinkle with basil and salt. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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Spaghetti With Cherry Tomatoes and Toasted Crumbs

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (5)

Cherry tomato salad is the heart of this matter. A one-hour resting time after preparation allows salt and vinegar to draw out natural juices and flavor of tomatoes. Toasted crumbs give dish a fine topping.

Serves 10

For toasted crumbs:


1 loaf rustic bread, crust removed

1/2 cup pure olive oil

Salt and freshly ground black pepper


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Cut bread into large dice. In food processor, pulse bread to crumb consistency. In large bowl, toss crumbs with oil, salt, and pepper. Spread evenly on rimmed baking sheet and bake, turning frequently, until brown. Cool. Set aside.

For cherry tomato salad:


2 pints cherry and currant tomatoes, mixed

1 pint Sherry Shallot Vinaigrette (see recipe below)

1 gallon water

1/4 cup salt

2 pounds spaghetti

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

3 sprigs each green and purple basil, chiffonade or thinly sliced


1. Slice cherry and currant tomatoes in half. Combine in medium bowl with Sherry Shallot Vinaigrette and let rest 1 hour before serving.

2. Bring water to boil and add 1/4 cup salt. Cook spaghetti until al dente, about 7 minutes. Drain.

3. In large bowl, toss pasta with cherry tomato salad. Divide evenly among serving plates. Garnish with cheese, basil, and toasted crumbs. Serve immediately so crumbs remain crisp.

Sherry Shallot Vinaigrette

Yields 1 pint


2 shallots, finely diced

1/4 cup sherry vinegar

2 tablespoons red wine vinegar

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Salt to taste

1 cup olive oil

1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil


1. Soak shallots in vinegars and salt for 30 minutes.

2. Whisk in olive oils. Taste and add vinegar, oil, or salt as needed.

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Tomato Water

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (6)

Best made with white or yellow tomatoes, since their juices run clear.

Yields 2 quarts


5 pounds tomatoes, finely chopped

3 tablespoons salt

1 tablespoon freshly ground black pepper

2 small sprigs basil

2 sprigs thyme

2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

Sprigs of basil for garnish


1. Place all ingredients in a large bowl. Crush tomatoes with wooden spoon and stir to combine.

2. Place double thickness of cheesecloth large enough to hold the tomatoes in clean bowl. Pour tomato mixture into cheesecloth and tie into a bag using kitchen twine. Suspend bag over a deep bowl so liquid drops freely but will not touch the cheesecloth again. Place bag and bowl in refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Do not squeeze bag to extract liquid, as this will make tomato water cloudy.

3. Discard bag and contents. Serve tomato water with basil garnish, or reserve for aspics or soups.

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White Peach and Tomato Galette

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (7)

Serves 8

For crust:


1 cup all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 stick cold butter, cut into 1/4" cubes

4 tablespoons ice water


1. Place flour, sugar, and salt in food processor. Pulse to combine. Add 4 tablespoons butter. Pulse until pieces are size of pennies. Add remaining butter. Pulse 2 seconds. Add water. Pulse until ball forms.

2. Remove from bowl and place on lightly floured work surface. Using your hands, gently press together. With palm of hand, smear a quarter of dough away from you in short, quick strokes. Working quickly, continue with remaining quarters until dough is pressed and smoothed. Gather dough into ball and repeat quartering and smoothing.

3. Cover with plastic wrap. Press into flat, round disk and refrigerate at least 30 minutes (or up to 2 days). Dough may be frozen for up to 1 month.

4. After dough has rested, roll out into circle 1/8" thick using pastry mat and rolling pin. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate while preparing filling.

For filling:


4 medium-size white or yellow peaches, peeled

6 small, light yellow or white peach tomatoes

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons plus 4 tablespoons granulated sugar


1. Using a sharp serrated knife, slice peaches and tomatoes into 1/4" slices.

2. Preheat oven to 400°F.

3. Mix flour and 2 teaspoons sugar and scatter over dough, leaving 1" border free of mixture.

4. Lay peaches in concentric circles around dough, still leaving a 1" border. After every 3 slices of peaches, place 1 tomato slice. Sprinkle slices with 4 tablespoons of sugar.

To finish:


2 tablespoons melted butter

1/2 tablespoon granulated sugar

Vanilla ice cream (optional)


1. Fold over 1" border to make scalloped edge. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.

2. Bake until crust is golden and fruit is tender, about 35 minutes. If juices run over, use pastry brush to collect and brush over fruit.

3. Carefully remove galette to rack. When cool, place on serving plate. Slice and serve with vanilla ice cream.

Well-Prepared: Tomato Recipes (2024)


What can I do with all my ripe tomatoes? ›

Here are 8 ways to store away those tomatoes.
  1. Can them whole.
  2. Slow-roast them.
  3. Dehydrate them.
  4. Freeze them.
  5. Make Marinara Sauce.
  6. Make Salsa.
  7. Tomato Purée.
  8. Make Tomato Juice.

Why do you soak tomatoes in salt water? ›

The salt actually highlights the tomatoes' sweetness by acting as a foil. Think about it: That's why there's salt in nearly every baked good. In the case of tomatoes, the salt is also drawing water out, intensifying the fruits' natural flavors.

Can you freeze fresh tomatoes for later use? ›

Tomatoes may be frozen raw or cooked, whole, sliced, chopped, or puréed. Tomatoes do not need to be blanched before freezing. Frozen tomatoes are best used in cooked foods such as soups, sauces and stews as they become mushy when they're thawed.

What happens if you freeze fresh tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes will last in the freezer for about six months. After that, they start to lose their flavor and might become freezer burnt. When you're ready to use your frozen tomatoes, just let them thaw at room temperature. Once they've defrosted, the skins peel right off!

Do ripe tomatoes keep better in the fridge? ›

The fridge is your friend, not your foe in this scenario. Supermarket tomatoes have already been refrigerated in their journey to you, so a little more chill-out time won't hurt them. And unless you're eating them immediately, ripe, locally grown tomatoes will also last longer in the fridge; eat within a few days.

Should ripe tomatoes be refrigerated? ›

Refrigerate any unconsumed fully ripe tomatoes, but allow them to come to room temperature before serving them. (To speed up this process, slice them while still cold—slices will warm up much more quickly than an intact fruit.) One study we've read suggests that refrigerating for no longer than three days is optimal. *

How long will ripe tomatoes last on the counter? ›

But for most of us, our only options are a much warmer room temperature or a much colder refrigerator. Stored at room temperature, “most ripe tomatoes retain best eating quality for 2 to 3 days,” according to the University of California division of agriculture and natural resources.

Do tomatoes last longer in the fridge or on the counter? ›

If the tomatoes are not yet ripe, they are best stored on the counter for a few days until they ripen. (You'll know they're ripe when they're fragrant and give a little bit to the touch.) Once they're ripe, either consume them or go ahead and put them in the refrigerator to preserve their freshness.

What happens if you don't wash tomatoes before eating? ›

Failure to wash fruits and vegetables before ingesting can lead to health complications such as food poisoning, sickness and diarrhoea, a team of experts has warned. These popular supermarket buys include the likes of strawberries, cranberries and kale.

Can I eat week old tomatoes? ›

Fresh tomatoes will last from two to five days on the counter at room temperature. A refrigerated ripe tomato can last up to two weeks. Cut tomatoes only last in a cool fridge for a day or two.

Why do you put Epsom salt around tomatoes? ›

Tomatoes & Epsom Salt

Ultra Epsom Salt treatments at the beginning of their planting and throughout their seasonal life can help to prevent and remedy magnesium deficiency in your tomato plants. Simply add one or two tablespoons of Epsom salt for tomatoes to the area before planting seeds or transplants.

Does Epsom salt make tomatoes taste better? ›

Fact! Adding Epsom salts to your plant either through foliar spray or direct watering is a great way of boosting micronutrient absorption. This helps your tomato plant produce large, juicy, and very sweet fruits. Remember that a little bit goes a long way and too much can cause more problem than it fixes.

What is the best way to preserve fresh tomatoes? ›

Freezing is a great method of preservation for a variety of tomatoes, including whole tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, diced tomatoes, stewed tomatoes, tomato juice, tomato paste, and tomato chutneys. When you're ready to use them, pull them out of the freezer and thaw them at room temperature or in a bath of cold water.

How do you preserve fresh raw tomatoes? ›

To successfully freeze fresh raw tomatoes, you can:
  1. Slice tomatoes into at least 1/2-inch slices. Put slices on a cookie sheet and freeze for 2 hours. ...
  2. OR slice tomatoes into at least 1/2-inch slices. Package in a rigid airtight container and fast freeze.
  3. OR wash tomatoes.

What is the best way to preserve whole tomatoes? ›

Freezing: Freezing is a simple way to preserve whole tomatoes. Simply wash the tomatoes, blanch them in boiling water for a minute or two, then transfer them to a bowl of ice water to cool. Once the tomatoes are cool, remove the skins, place them in freezer-safe containers, and freeze.

How do you store fresh tomatoes long term? ›

To store the tomatoes in the refrigerator or freezer, place them in a zip-top bag and squeeze any extra air out. Put them in the refrigerator for up to a month or stick them in the freezer. To store tomatoes in oil, sterilize a mason jar by boiling it for 10 minutes.


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.