Ukrainian troops could fight with Leopard 2s by early spring: Experts (2024)

Ukrainian troops could fight with Leopard 2s by early spring: Experts (1)

Polish Leopard II tanks on exercises in 2022 (U.S. Army photo by Capt. Tobias Cukale)

WASHINGTON — New training programs in Poland could get some Ukrainian soldiers ready to operate Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks in combat in as few as six weeks, experts told Breaking Defense, although officers and maintenance specialists would take longer. The tanks themselves could be another story.

But if all goes well, and if Berlin then allows its allies to send the German-made MBTs to Ukraine — a decision that Berlin has been waffling on — that means Ukraine theoretically could launch an armored counter-offensive in early March, just before the spring thaw known as the rasputit*a turns the open steppes into tank-bogging mud.

RELATED: Ukraine Contact Group meeting caps off deluge of new arms pledges, but no German Leopards

That optimistic timeline is much quicker than the US Army’s 22-week timeline to turn a new recruit into a tanker worthy to graduate the “schoolhouse” Fort Benning, Ga., and join an operational unit, where the recruit would keep training the rest of their career. The “One Station Unit Training” (OSUT) at Benning actually used to be 15 weeks, until the Army decided that was not enough.

But Ukraine needn’t send its new recruits. They have thousands of veteran tankers, hardened by 11 months of the fiercest fighting in Europe since World War II. They have thousands more mechanics and logisticians, honed by the desperate struggle to keep a hodgepodge of Western and Soviet combat vehicles in fighting form. They have commanders and staff officers used to planning and coordinating armored warfare.

These veterans would not need to learn the basics: how a tank needs constant maintenance, how it needs careful driving on bad ground to avoid throwing a track — the armored behemoths can be surprisingly delicate — or how the huge machines can hide behind buildings, woods, or even subtle undulations of the seemingly flat steppes, then lash out in ambush. But they would need to learn the Leopard II, which — like the American M1 Abrams, the British Challenger, and other modern Western tanks — is much bigger, heavier, better-armored, and more high-tech than the Soviet-derived designs they’re used to. That affects everything from crew size (four instead of three) to what bridges can support their weight, from how the gun is loaded (manually instead of automatically) to how supply lines and advances must be planned.

“This is not like simply learning a few new incremental upgrades between similar Russian designs, as when a Ukrainian tanker moves from a T-64 over to a T-80 or captured T-90,” said Matthew Dooley, a retired Army armor officer now with Robotic Research. “This means learning to operate, drive, shoot, and maintain a tank that comes from a design philosophy in the West that’s wholly different from the old Soviet engineering approach.”

Ukrainian troops could fight with Leopard 2s by early spring: Experts (2)

Three of the seven major variants of the Leopard II (Krauss-Maffei Wegmann graphic)

So how long would it take, when the pressure is on, and Russia is racing to mobilize more manpower for its own renewed offensive?

Having adopted a host of Western and captured Russian systems on the fly, “Ukrainians have demonstrated remarkable tech savvy and the ability to learn very quickly,” said retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, former commander of US Army Europe. “Given that and… a more compressed training program” – so, no weekends or evenings off – “I’m estimating that experienced Ukrainian tankers will need about one-third to a half of the time that is normally required for a new soldier going through OSUT.” That comes out at about seven to eleven weeks.

“Overall, it will take two or three months to train Ukraine personnel,” said Nicholas Drummond, a former British Army tank officer and now a consultant. “I wouldn’t want to do it in any less time.”

“Leopard 2 was designed to be used by conscript soldiers” — the German Bundeswehr retained the draft long after the US — “so it is relatively easy to train crews to use them,” Drummond added. “The more challenging requirement is training support teams to maintain the tanks.”

“You’ve got to train not only the tank crews, you then have to train all of the maintainers,” agreed retired Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe. “Then you’ve got to go in and you’ve got to train their staffs.”

“You can truncate that down [to], say, eight weeks to train an experienced armor crew member…but you can’t train them all at once,” said Donahoe, who once commanded the Fort Benning training center. “You need to establish the school” — presumably at an existing Polish base — “where you could bring Ukrainian tankers from their current units where they’re fighting, train them up, and get them back into Ukraine.”

“Say a month and a half to two months per individual, [but] three or four or five months to build a larger body to train soldiers,” Donahoe concluded.

Other experts were more optimistic about fast the veteran Ukrainian tankers could make the leap to Leopards. Depending on how quickly the vets caught on, Defense Acquisition University Prof. Marc Meeker, a former Army officer, said “4 to 11 weeks would cover training for those who caught on quickly and those who needed remedial training.”

“One could train new crews up to a basic level of proficiency in about five or six weeks,” said Dooley. Maintainers would take a similar period, he said, “[but] for the Ukrainian junior officers and non-commissioned officers, it may take another two to three weeks of additional time” to learn Western tactics.

“The complexity of Ukrainian military operations is relatively low” compared to high-speed, long-range blitzkriegs the US waged in 1991 and 2003, said retired three-star general Thomas Spoehr, now with the Heritage Foundation. “I think four to six weeks would be fine.”

One current Army officer, who asked to remain anonymous, agreed with that four-to-six week estimate.

Some highly specialized repair technicians, however, might take “a year,” warned Jon Jeckell, a retired Army officer with extensive experience with tank maintenance. “That’s basic proficiency, and not with all of the tacit knowledge of a senior technician that develops an intuitive sense for problems, knows how to troubleshoot, and can improvise.” So for some time, if certain high-tech components break — like the laser rangefinders essential to accurate long-range fire — Ukraine will have to send them back to Poland, Germany, or another country with infrastructure to support the Leopard II.

Fortunately for Ukraine, several European nations have that infrastructure, because the Leopard II is the most widely exported Western main battle tank of modern times. Many countries bought them second-hand from the Bundeswehr during its downsizing in the 1990s.

All told, said Meeker, who worked extensively with the Bundeswehr during his time in the Army, “the Leopard Benutzer (LEOBEN) user community… consists of 31 countries headed up by the Germany’s BAAINBw,” the office for Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support. After the 1990s sell-off, he said, “Germany has only around 300 Leopards, but there are literally thousands of Leopards around the world, in Europe, Scandinavia, the Middle East, North/South America, and Asia.”

On the downside, the Bundeswehr’s own Leopards may be in bad shape, because the German budget has shortchanged the military in general and basic maintenance in particular for over a decade. Other European armies are a mixed bag.

“Austria, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, and Spain… were all reluctant to provide their Leopard tanks,” said Drummond. “In many cases this was because their fleets were old and needed to be upgraded.” To get the 300 tanks Ukraine has asked for into fighting shape, he worried, might take “three to six months.”

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Ukrainian troops could fight with Leopard 2s by early spring: Experts (3)

Leopard II A4 models being overhauled at a Rheinmetall facility in Canada. (Rheinmetall)

Other experts shared his worry. “The big challenges will be identifying the actual hardware, the tanks themselves, getting a good understanding of their state of readiness,” said Donahoe. “They’re all going to have to go through some sort of refurb[ishment], whether that’s an oil change or a full depot level strip down and rebuild.”

We don’t know how much work that will take. “What condition are the other European Leopard 2s?” asked Jeckell. “Have they been stored in a shed with no maintenance for years? How much time, money, and skilled mechanic time will it take to get them operational? Are there parts shortages that will systemically keep a lot of tanks down? I’m really concerned about that, especially given underinvestment in the German defense industrial base for years and the sudden demand on it for parts.”

“It can take a week to get [tanks] in relatively good shape out of storage and ‘wake them up,’” Jeckell continued. “Multiply times hundreds of tanks, especially if you lack mechanics and most importantly spare parts, and they could be down for months.”

But Poland, once again, might hold the trump card. “If those [approximately 250] Polish Leopard 2s are in good condition,” Jeckell said, “that would be more than an old-school [US] Army of Excellence armor division-worth of tanks with just the Polish donation alone.”

“Since Poland’s tanks are operational, they should be relatively well maintained and ready,” said Hodges. And since Poland borders Ukraine, he noted, it’s the easiest place on the planet from which to physically deliver the tanks.

“These tanks appear to be well maintained and ready to go,” agreed Dooley. “The Ukrainians have asked for 300 Western MBTs, and Poland would be close to meeting that number by themselves.”

As for the rest of Europe’s roughly 2,000 Leopard 2 tanks? In the worst case, they can be cannibalized for spare parts to keep the Ukrainians’ 300 fighting.

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Ukrainian troops could fight with Leopard 2s by early spring: Experts (2024)


How good are the Leopard 2 tanks? ›

The Kampfpanzer Leopard 2, which Germany designed and built in the 1970s, is one of the most widely used tanks in the world, and is by far the most popular tank in NATO's inventory. It was so advanced for its time that even the mighty American M1 Abrams has some Leopard 2 DNA in it.

Are Leopard 1 tanks useful for Ukraine? ›

The Western media note that, together with German Marder infantry fighting vehicles, the restored Leopard 1 tanks are to form the basis of the armored group of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces, in particular the 25th Airborne Brigade.

How much does a Leopard 2 unit cost? ›

Figures on the costs of different variants of the Leopard 2 tanks range, but largely fall around the $6 million mark.

How many M1 Abrams have been destroyed in Ukraine? ›

Drone strikes challenge Abrams tanks' role in Ukraine's modern warfare. Over the past two months, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost 5 of the 31 Abrams tanks that the United States sent to Ukraine last fall. At least three more were damaged, The New York Times reported on April 20.

Which is better Abrams or Leopard 2? ›

The main difference between the Abrams and Leopards is the engine. The Leopard 2 has a diesel-powered MTU MB 873 engine, which is much easier to maintain and more widely used across Europe, while the Abrams uses a more powerful and more complex turbine engine.

What is the weakness of the Leopard 2 tank? ›

The Leopard 2 is a highly advanced main battle tank, but like any military vehicle, it has some weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses of the Leopard 2 include: Vulnerability to anti-tank missiles and shaped charge warheads. Limited mobility in rough terrain.

Who has the best tank in the world? ›

The top ten tanks today are the German KF51 Panther, the American Abrams M1A2, the Russian T-14 Armata, the Korean K2 Black Panther, the Chinese T-99, the German Leopard 2, the French Leclerc XL, the British Challenger 2, the Israeli Merkava V, and the Japanese Type-90.

What fuel does the Leopard 2 use? ›

Another drawback with the Abrams is less fuel efficient than the Leopard 2, which is designed to use diesel fuel — and diesel is more readily available in Ukraine's wartime supply chains.

Can a leopard tank be destroyed? ›

The burned-out Leopard 2A6. A Russian drone-operator apparently named Vova, short for Vladimir, had a proverbial front-row seat as some lucky Russian infantry took a lucky shot at one of the Ukrainian army's precious Leopard 2A6 tanks—and knocked it out.

How many tanks does Ukraine have left in 2024? ›

Ukraine's Armed Forces possessed less than 1,800 tanks as of 2024, which was more than eight times less than Russia's.

Why is Leopard 2 better than Russian tanks? ›

The Leopard 2 is more advanced than many of the Soviet-era tanks fielded by both Russian and Ukrainian forces. Even older versions of the tank have modern optics, including thermal imaging, that allow it to operate day and night, as well as magnification and a laser range finder to track targets.

How many Leopard tanks has Ukraine lost? ›

To date, ~ 37 Leopards are known to have been DDA (destroyed, damaged, or abandoned) in the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. That includes all the variants: 2A6 (11), 2A4 (18), 1A5 (1), and Stridsvagn 122 (7).

Can Leopard 1 penetrate T-72? ›

While there is debate on whether the Leopard can consistently penetrate the armor of the T-72, its main gun is undoubtedly accurate. Where the Leopard has seen action, it has consistently out-shot Russian tanks, both in accuracy and rate of fire.

How many Challenger 2 tanks have been destroyed in Ukraine? ›

To date, two Challenger 2 tanks are confirmed to have been destroyed in operations; the first was by accidental friendly fire from another Challenger 2 in Basra in 2003, and the second was during the Russo-Ukrainian War, where the tank was destroyed under Ukrainian control during the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Was Leopard 2A6 destroyed in Ukraine? ›

This Leopard 2A6 tank is likely the same one that was part of the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, that was damaged or destroyed near the village of Avdiivka in October 2023.

How many Leopard 2A6 does Ukraine have? ›

According to Forbes, Ukraine has received a total of 21 Leopard 2A6s. Three were donated by Portugal, with the rest coming straight from Germany, where the tank was designed and manufactured.

How many Leopard 2s does Germany have? ›

According to the information I found, Germany has a total of 601 Leopard 2 MBTs as of 20221. However, not all of them are in active service or fully operational. The German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) currently use fewer MBTs due to long-term cuts and budget constraints.


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