Traduction to tap into en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)


prep en
I'm going into town. Je vais en ville.
Divide into two groups. Répartissez-vous en deux groupes.
into pieces en morceaux
into French en français
Translate it into French. Traduisez ça en français.
to change pounds into dollars changer des livres en dollars

bang into
vt fus
(=knock into, collide with)

se cogner contre
→ She banged into a lamp post.
[+person] se retrouver nez à nez avec
→ Various men kept banging into me in the narrow corridor.

barge into
vt fus
[+person, building]
rentrer dans
→ Students tried to barge into the building.
→ I hate shopping in town - people are always barging into you.

break into
vt fus

[+house] s'introduire par effraction dans, pénétrer par effraction dans
→ He broke into a shop and killed the owner.

[+profession] percer
→ She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.

to break into song se mettre à chanter
→ I feel as if I should break into song.
to break into a run se mettre à courir
→ The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run.

bump into
vt fus

(=collide with)
rentrer dans
→ They stopped walking and he almost bumped into them.
We bumped into his car. Nous avons tamponné sa voiture.
He stopped suddenly and I bumped into him. Il s'est arrêté subitement et je lui suis rentré dedans.
to bump into sth [person] se heurter contre qch
→ He turned on the lamp so that he could find his way without bumping into anything.


to bump into sb rencontrer qn par hasard
I bumped into Jane in the supermarket. J'ai rencontré Jane par hasard au supermarché.
→ I bumped into a friend of yours today.

burst into
vt fus
(=enter suddenly)

[+room, building]
faire irruption dans
→ Gunmen burst into his home and opened fire.

to burst into tears fondre en larmes
→ She burst into tears and ran from the kitchen.

to burst into flames s'enflammer soudainement
→ The car burst into flames.

buy into
vt (British)
acheter des actions de
investir dans
→ He's been trying for years to buy into the printing industry.

come into
vt fus

hériter de

crash into
vt (=strike)
rentrer dans
→ He was killed when his car crashed into a tree on his way home.
[plane] s'écraser contre
→ I saw the planes crash into the towers.

crowd into
vt fus
[+room, building]
s'entasser dans
s'attrouper sur
→ Newspapers estimated that 200,000 crowded into Piazza della Signoria to hear the speech.
[+train, bus] s'entasser dans
→ Eager fans crowded into trains and buses.

dip into
vt fus

[+container] plonger sa main dans
→ Watch your fingers as you dip into the pot.
→ She dipped into the jar and pulled out a lollipop.

[+book] parcourir
→ I've dipped into his latest novel, and it's very good.
→ It's the sort of book you can dip into.

[+savings] puiser dans
→ We'll have to dip into our savings to pay for this.

drift into
vt fus
(=become involved in without planning)

[+crime, prostitution]
sombrer peu à peu dans
→ young people who drift into crime

drum into
vt sep (=impress upon) graver dans la mémoire
→ We had our multiplication tables drummed into us.

enter into
vt fus
se lancer dans
→ She is prepared to enter into talks with the strike leaders.
[+debate] prendre part à
→ Remember that you freely entered into an agreement with them.
to enter into marriage (=get married) se marier
→ Many women enter into marriage and even parenthood before their first job
no correspondence will be entered into nous ne donnerons suite à aucun courrier
that doesn't enter into it (=isn't relevant) cela n'a rien à voir
→ Self-interest didn't enter into it.
→ Money doesn't enter into it.

fall back into
vt fus
[+routine, old habits]
retomber dans
→ He'd promise to be better. But he'd soon fall back into his old ways
→ he believed the economy was unlikely to fall back into recession

fall into
vt fus
(=be part of)

[+category, group]
appartenir à
→ Both women fall into the highest-risk group
Which group do you fall into? À quel groupe appartenez-vous?

file into
vt fus
to file into a room entrer l'un derrière l'autre dans une pièce

fit into
vt fus

s'intégrer à
→ It's hard to see how he would fit into the team.

[+space, container]
tenir dans
→ All my clothes fit into one suitcase.
→ ... a mini computer which is small enough to fit into your pocket

→ the hole into which the pole fitted

flood into
vt fus (=arrive in) affluer dans
→ More and more people were flooding into the cities.
→ Calls for assistance flooded into the emergency services

fly into
vt fus
to fly into a rage se mettre en rage
→ Losing a game would cause him to fly into a rage

get into
vt fus

[+car, boat] monter dans
Sharon got into the car. Sharon est montée dans la voiture.

[+clothes] mettre, enfiler

to get into bed se mettre au lit

to get into a rage se mettre en colère

go into
vt fus

[+details] entrer dans
to go into details entrer dans les détails

(=investigate) étudier, examiner

(=embark on) se lancer dans
→ He has now gone into the tourism business.

grow into

vi (=become)
[person, situation, relationship]
se transformer en
→ Despite her upbringing, she grew into a healthy, normal adult.
→ As children grow into adults, they learn to control their emotions.
→ This political row threatens to grow into a full blown crisis.
→ The pause grew into a long silence.
→ Their working relationship soon grew into a friendship.

vt fus
devenir assez grand pour mettre

hack into
vt fus
[+computer system, network]
s'introduire dans
→ They wanted to hack into the company's personnel files.

inquire into
vt fus
enquêter sur
→ He was summoned to Cuba to inquire into the death of a Russian official.
[+allegation, complaint] enquêter sur
→ Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.
A commission has been set up to inquire into allegations of government abuses of power. Une commission a été nommée pour enquêter sur des allégations d'abus de pouvoir de la part du gouvernement.

jam into
vt fus

[+hall, stadium]
s'entasser dans
→ A crowd of 14,843 had jammed into the stadium.

launch into
vt fus
[+speech, task, fight]
se lancer dans
→ Horrigan launched into a speech about the importance of new projects.

lay into
* (=attack) (verbally) enfoncer
→ She really laid into the management.
→ He laid into his players. "We were awful," he said.
(physically) tomber sur
Raymond claims that Ducruet and his bodyguard laid into him. Raymond prétend que Ducruet et son garde du corps lui sont tombés dessus.

log into
vt fus
se connecter à
to log into one's account se connecter sur son compte
→ They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they'd like to do.

look into
vt fus
[+matter, possibility]
examiner, étudier
→ I'll look into it for you.
→ Finally they agreed to look into the matter.
to look into doing sth étudier la possibilité de faire qch
→ They have set up a working party to look into changing the rules.
→ The group are to look into providing more training and vocational facilities for prisoners.

merge into
vt fus fusionner en
The two countries merged into one. Les deux pays ont fusionné en un seul.
to merge into the background se fondre dans le décor
→ Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background.
He merged into the background. Il se fondit dans le décor.

move into
vt fus

[tenant, house-buyer]
emménager dans
She's about to move into a flat. Elle s'apprête à emménager dans un appartement.
→ Lucy is about to move into a flatshare in Central London,
you can move into my apartment (=stay with me) tu peux venir vivre chez moi

nip into
vt fus (British)
* faire un saut dans
to nip into a shop faire un saut dans un magasin
I'll just nip into the post office. Je fais juste un saut à la poste.

opt into
vt fus (=join) choisir de participer à
→ "We decided to opt into the framework scheme

pile into
vt fus

(=enter in a disorganized way) s'entasser dans
They all piled into his car. Ils se sont tous entassés dans sa voiture.
→ People piled into the hall to hear the leader's speech.

(=crash into)
→ The victims were among 13 pals in two cars which piled into a tractor

plough into
vt fus

(=crash into)
[car, vehicle]
venir s'encastrer dans
The lorry ploughed into the vehicle in front of it. Le camion est venu s'encastrer dans le véhicule qui le précédait.
→ The car ploughed into a line of shoppers.

(=invest heavily in) injecter
to plough money into sth injecter de l'argent dans qch
→ the need to plough money into education and training
→ Huge sums of private capital will be ploughed into the ailing steel industry.

read into
vt sep
to read sth into sb's remarks voir qch dans les remarques de qn
How much can be read into these figures? Quelle importance doit-on attacher à ses chiffres?
to read too much into sth attacher trop d'importance à qch
Don't read too much into what I said. N'attachez pas trop d'importance à ce que j'ai dit.
→ Not too much should be read into their defeat by Pakistan last month

run into
vt fus

tomber sur
→ He ran into Kate in the corridor

[+trouble, problems] se heurter à
→ companies that have run into trouble
to run into debt s'endetter
→ Be careful, or you'll run into debt.

(=collide with) heurter
→ The driver ran into a tree.

(=amount to)
[costs, inflation, fees, debts]
s'élever à
→ tuition fees which could run into thousands of pounds
Their losses ran into millions. Leurs pertes se sont élevées à plusieurs millions.

sink into
vt fus
[+despair, depression]
sombrer dans
The economy sank into chaos. L'économie sombra dans le chaos.
to sink into a deep sleep sombrer dans un profond sommeil
to sink into a coma sombrer dans le coma

venture into
[+business, new activity]
se lancer dans
→ He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business

write into
vt sep
to write sth into a contract faire figurer qch dans un contrat
→ A guaranteed supply of Chinese food was written into their contracts.

Traduction to tap into en Français | Dictionnaire Anglais-Français (2024)


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